SuperAgers Super Memory Brains Alzheimers Reading Room

SuperAgers retain their sharp memory well into their 80s and beyond. Sceintist are identifying clues as to why they have the memory of person in their 50s.

via SuperAgers Super Memory Brains Alzheimers Reading Room.

Brain Food

Healthy food

Healthy food (Photo credit: jpockele)

Nestlé invests in US brain food maker: ‘This is a big strategic move for us’.

How Crossword Puzzles May Keep Alzheimer’s Away | Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation

First Crossword Puzzle DSCN2477

How Crossword Puzzles May Keep Alzheimer’s Away | Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation.

Resveratrol could enhance exercise performance

Resveratrol was first isolated from Senna quin...

Resveratrol was first isolated from Senna quinquangulata (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

More good news about the potential health benefits of resveratrol from a study just published in the Journal of Physiology.

Resveratrol could enhance exercise performance.

BrainMasters at Huntcliff Health Fair 2012


As you may know, today is National Senior Day and we celebrated by participating in the annual health fair at Huntcliff Summit. The turnout was great and all the residents and exhibitors had a fabulous day! Looking forward to our June classes at Huntcliff. Keep exercising your brain if you want to keep it healthy-use it or lose it!

8 Best Foods to Buy at a Farmers’ Market: Organic Gardening

Summer unofficially kicks off this weekend as we enjoy this  Memorial Day weekend with our family and friends. Many of us are likely to attend at least one barbeque or social outing. Keeping this in mind, here are a list of foods you should consider purchasing locally and/or organic. After all-it is your health!

Have a safe  Memorial Day weekend and remember to update your family health history and exercise your brain! Why not make it family game weekend and play some Scrabble, card games, hangman, anagrams, crossword puzzles? All these activities are a great and fun way to exercise your brain and utilize the principles of brain plasticity or neuroplasticity. Hey- Your brain-use it or lose it!

8 Best Foods to Buy at a Farmers’ Market: Organic Gardening


Red Wine Increases Lifespan, Says New Study | Anti-Aging Forum

Glass of wine, selective focus, space for copy...

Red Wine Increases Lifespan, Says New Study | Anti-Aging Forum.

Recognizing Signs of Alzheimer’s In Patients

Combination of two brain diagrams in one for c...

Combination of two brain diagrams in one for comparison. In the left normal brain, in the right brain of a person with Alzheimer’s disease English: Diagram of the brain of a person with Alzheimer’s Disease English: Diagram of a normal brain Русский: Изображение нормального мозга и мозга при болезни Альцгеймера Nederlands: Vergelijking van normale hersenen (links) met die van een alzheimerpatiënt.(rechts) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Alzheimer’s disease is a common type of dementia that gradually gets worse over time. The main thing affected by Alzheimer’s is a person’s memory and cognitive abilities. There are 3 stages of Alzheimer’s disease: mild, moderate, and severe. Typically, a person will live 8-10 years after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, but every case is different, and people can live much longer.

Here are some recognizing signs of Alzheimer’s in patients:

• Memory loss – Memory loss is the most common sign of Alzheimer’s disease, especially forgetting things that a person recently learned. If a person asks for the same information over and over, it is a sign of Alzheimer’s.

• Problem solving and concentration – If a person struggles with solving problems in his or her daily life or has problems concentrating with no prior history of such problems, this may be a sign of Alzheimer’s.If things take longer to do than they typically did before, this may be another sign.

• Hard time completing daily tasks – Frequently, a person with Alzheimer’s has a hard time completing daily tasks such as remembering a recipe that they have made many times before or balancing a checkbook.

• Vision problems – Vision problems can be one sign of Alzheimer’s disease in some people. Having a hard time reading or judging distances can be a sign.

• Time confusion – A person with Alzheimer’s disease may be confused about the time or the passage of time. Such a person may have a hard time determining when an event happened, whether it was immediately right before or a longer time in the past.

• Place confusion – One of the common signs of Alzheimer’s is if a person is confused where they are and how they got there.

• Lack of good judgment – One sign of Alzheimer’s in patients is lack of good judgment and a lack of good decision-making. Paying less attention to details such as personal grooming and eating right is a sign to look for.

• Speech problems – This is not having trouble speaking or not vocalizing. An Alzheimer’s patient may not be able to follow a conversation or may repeat something he or she has already said. Patients may also not be able to find the right word for something or may call things by the wrong name.

• Misplacing things – One sign of Alzheimer’s disease is misplacing things and being unable to find them or putting things in strange places where they do not typically belong.

• Mood changes – People with Alzheimer’s can experience mood changes from mild to severe. They can become more easily irritated because of what they are experiencing. Thus, they become frustrated and confused.

• Social withdrawal – Withdrawing from such things as hobbies, work, activities, and friends and family can be a sign of Alzheimer’s in patients.

It’s important to seek memory care right away when you see any warning signs.

National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease

PET scan of a human brain with Alzheimer's disease

PET scan of a human brain with Alzheimer’s disease (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Here it is-our national plan to address Alzheimer’s Disease. The goal is to prevent and effectively treat Alzheimer’s by 2025. Follow this link to have access to the full report.


Notables Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease

Here is a photo gallery of some noteworthy individuals stricken with Alzheimer’s Disease.


Gallery | Notables diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease |